
What Instagram Updates Marketers Need To Be Conversant.

Buy Instagram Followers UK has been constantly evolving ever since its launch some five years ago. Recently it unveiled a fresh new logo as well as a slew of updates that marketers need to be aware of for increasing their punch on one of the world’s most favorite social media platforms. Increase in the Maximum Length of Video Even though when Instagram first introduced videos users were thrilled but the limit of 15 seconds really put a whole lot of creative strain on users. Now Instagram has increased the maximum length of the video post to 60 seconds – this should keep most users happy and give marketers added flexibility to showcase their products and services are better than before. Marketers can choose to shoot the video clip from the app directly or upload one from their photo library. As usual, users will have the option of adding filters, turning off the sound and choosing the cover photo. Video Analytics Every marketer feels lost if he is unable to monitor the video